Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Zoo Questions

Name _____________________________ bodyguard ________ sec. ___ Survey of Animals Zoo Questions Please type the answers of the following questions 1. What function, other than hearing, do the African Elephants ears help oneself? effect _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What affectation is the rump of a Hamadryas Boboon? consequence ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the life span of the Serval? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 4.What is the forage of the DeBrazza Monkey? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 5. The Bateleur Eagle gets his name from the French word for _____________________. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. The Nile Lechwe is known for what? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 7. meerkat packs may con sist of how many individuals? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 8. How long will Kirks Dik-Dik survive in immurement?Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 9. What bird is considered noisy and gets its name from a loud instrument? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 10. What is the smallest (and cutest) species of fox? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 11. The spiny liana is cracked by what animal? Answer _______________________________________________________________________ 12. Which area of Africa does the Dwarf Crocodile inhabit? Answer _______________________________________________________________________ 13. Which of the African monkeys is the well-nigh arboreal? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 14. What is the life span of the African Bullfrog? Answer _ _______________________________________________________________________ 15. What are the leash greatest threats to the Savannah Monitor? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 16. Who is the dominant of the group in Patas Monkeys? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 7. How prompt can the Patas Monkey run (in miles per hour)? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 18. What is the chemical responsible for the Chilean Flamingos color? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 19. How do Yellow-Footed Tortoises recognize each other? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 20. What is the maximum speed of the Collared Lizard (in miles per hour)? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 1. The Vampire Bat was instrumental in development of medicine s in which field? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 22. What is the largest land predatory animal on Earth? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 23. Raccoons are related to which displayed species in the menagerie? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 24. What is the common encumbrance of the Red Wolf (in pounds)? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 5. How fast can the Grizzly Bear run (in miles per hour)? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 26. What is the most developed sense in the American Bison? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 27. Few predators have withstood three centuries of settlement in North America. Name the one that the zoo displays Answer _________________________________________________________________ _______ 28. What sets the North American River Otters vision unconnected from the of many land animals?Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 29. Why is the Polar Bear on display at the zoo so skinny? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 30. How does the California See Lion fend off intruders? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 31. discover five differences between the Polar Bear and the Grizzly Bear Answer 1) .. 2) . 3) . ) . 5) . ________________________________________________________________________ 32. What is the main food seeded player for the Arctic Fox? Answer ________________________________________________________________________ 33. What was the most amazing thing I learned visiting the zoo? Answer _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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